You can't enforce a policy you don't have

All too often we wait until something happens that we don’t like only to realize we never told our employees that it was against policy.

You can’t enforce a policy you don’t have.

If you want your employees and staff to treat LGBTQ clients, customers and colleagues with respect and dignity, you actually have to state that in your policies and procedures.

Federal, state and municipal law and court opinions have not yet settled the issue of LGBTQ discrimination definitively. There is a morass of mixed messages from the failure of the federal and most state governments to include sexual orientation and gender identity in state civil rights laws, to recent US Supreme Court Cases that while promising are still not decisive. More and more often municipalities are doing what the federal and most state governments have failed to do. Do you know what your cities ordinances say about LGBTQ discrimination?

Don’t be the employer who’s staff refuses to use transperson’s correct pronoun and name, even after you told them they must. If gender identity isn’t in your non-discrimination policy, you are trying to enforce a policy you don’t have.

Get your policies, procedures and marketing reviewed by us first. Be proactive not reactive.

Email for more information.

Are you a hospital system impacted by recent medical religious exemption law passage?
